Sunday, September 01, 2013

MIT: vehicle emissions cause 53,000 extra deaths a year. TSLA, LIT, ILC.v, TNR.v, RM.v


  This is another reason to take electric cars seriously and it will be driving the electric revolution in China particularly.

Lithium to the Rescue - Pollution Levels in Beijing Extremely Hazardous

'Will Electric Cars be recognised now as the rescue and the only viable way forward? When the main questions about the cars will be Not How Far and How Much, But Whether It Is Safe?"

Powered by Lithium: Elon Musk: Electric Cars Majority Sold in 10 Years TSLA

"Elon Musk is very bold with his predictions and people should listen now. Every single new Tesla Model S is proving his point. Tesla Model S is driving the electric revolution now and Tesla Gen 3 Model for mass market will be the game changer for electric cars."

Global demand for lithium expected to rise significantly LIT, ILC.v, TNR.v, RM.v

"Euro Pacific Canada has produced the very interesting report Lithium Industry - A Strategic Energy Metal, we can expect now the push of Lithium Investment story into the market place on the back of Tesla Model S success in the market place. International Lithium is mentioned as well with its strategic partner from China Ganfeng Lithium in the report."


MIT: vehicle emissions cause 53,000 extra deaths a year.

"And now for some not-so-uplifting news for your Labor Day weekend, especially if it involves a long road trip. Emissions from electric-power generation, industrial operations, commercial and residential sources and transportation (road, marine and rail) sources cause about 200,000 premature deaths in the US each yearGreen Car Congress says, citing a study from MIT's Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment. The key point for us in the automotive world: road transportation alone accounts for "53,000 early deaths per year attributed to exhaust from the tailpipes of cars and trucks." EV advocates shouldn't gloat too much, as early deaths from electricity generation came in at 52,000, mostly in the Midwest where coal is still the main source of juice. The data MIT used came from the Environmental Protection Agency's National Emissions Inventory from 2005, the most recent available.

MIT somehow calculates that pollution-related deaths essentially occur about a decade before that person would've otherwise passed away. As far as geography is concerned, California alone accounts for about 21,000 of those 200,000 premature deaths, and fans of The Wire might be interested to know that Baltimore is the US city with the highest number of emissions-related deaths per capita. Amid all this negativity, there is some good news. Pollution-related deaths from rail operations were "relatively slight." So we have that going for us."
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