Sunday, November 09, 2008

Juniors - Life after Death experience. TNR.v, CZX.v, SST.v, BVG.v, OK.v, MGN

Couple of weeks ago when Juniors were down their Cash Value world seams to be Ending in that part of the world. Next step would be to pay you as a Buyer just to hold some Junior Mining shares. Why is it so? Do they have any excessive Debt? Do they in production with a Negative Cash Flow? Some of them are. So look now for the strongest: this is a life time opportunity to Buy into 2003 all over again: FED is on your side ReInflating economy again. Buyers are almost Non Existing, but Sellers could be gone any time with USD going down and China and Commodities firming up. Move up will be explosive once reversal H&S confirmed. Chinese are all over the world scooping what has left. M&A will be the name of the game.

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