Sunday, February 04, 2007

Google another Blow from Yahoo!

I have posted before about Google Saturation Point and its Down Trend in Daily Reach it is interesting to find conformation:
"By Nathan Weinberg
Nielsen//Netratings has released their search engine market share numbers for December 2006, and their year-over-year gains show that Yahoo, while having just under half the market share of Google, is growing faster than Google is. They show Google with 3.035 billion searches in December, up 22.6% from the year before, and Yahoo with 1.412 billion searches, up 30.1% from December 2005. This is kind of shocking, given that conventional wisdom is that Google is outpacing Yahoo, as the Y! slowly falls behind."


Anonymous said...

this is not really a "blow" per se. Its the law of large numbers at work. When you are big, your growth figures are bound to shrink. I am sure Yahoo (or the fading MSFT) will gladly trade higher market share than higher growth numbers.

Sufiy said...

This moment is coming just look at Daily Reach posted here, Yahoo!'s is flat, MSN's is rising and Google's is falling.