Friday, May 12, 2006

It is all different this time...Again!

You can say that YHOO 2000 and GOOG 2006 have nothing in common, the truth is: if you will subtract 1.5 billion Click Fraud (faked revenue) estimated by click GOOG HAVE NO PROFIT. Six years have passed and new were born, who knows everything, who still believes into STRONG BUY and "limitless growth". Just read old papers and remember those days. What is different today?
1. End of FED's tightening.
2. Eyeballs vs Clicks.
3. "Limitless growth"

ENRON, WORLDCOM and TYCO were all strong buy just before the crash.

Investing in GOOG at these levels is nothing more then playing old Wall Street game: "find another fool" It is important that you will not be the last before the music stops. As this stock will be out of fashion and will get first Downgrade crash 2000 will look like slow motion movie. This blockbuster will be directed by John Woo.

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