
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lithium Fever is taking Canadian Lithium developers by storm tnr.v, czx.v,, lmr.v, tsla, rm.v,,,, jnn.v, abn.v, res, mcp,, quc.v, cee.v, sqm, fmc, roc, li.v, wlc.v, clq.v, lit, nsany, byddf, gm, dai,, hev, aone, vlnc


  When yesterday we have seen the volume in First Lithium Resource Inc. and its latest price action, we have discounted it at first totally on articles about the U.S. Lithium OTC Hype. We actually found very quickly another article claiming "billions in the ground" with "solid" logic "that if LEXG.ob market cap was at certain level, than the company like MCI.v should be worth "incredible amount of money." We will leave this kind of investment logic to the investors to decide upon themselves and will only note that LEXG.ob market cap will reflect the real value of that company in the near future.

  Today we have another fireworks - this time in Ultra Lithium Inc. It looks like everything with the word Lithium in the name is getting attention of the particular investment crowd. It is important to note here, that even if we are not following both of these companies - they are the real companies reporting in Canada and can not be manipulated so easily as OTC market in U.S.
  Maybe, finally, our Catalyst is spilling over into the real investment word. So far it is the very speculative capital, which is seeking the one night stand and "getting reach fast traders", who are excited by the all OTC Hype. They are picking up on the smallest companies among Lithium developers in Canada. But, maybe, we have a message here - that the valid idea hyped by the promotion on steroids is taking investors' mind and they start to seek early entrance in our Lithium Generational Bull market. We hope that they will realize soon that in order to succeed in this investment sector you need the same old ingredients: management which can be trusted, serious players backing the company, solid diversified portfolio of properties and industry insiders' validation.

  "We have quite a moment in Lithium space on the OTC market these days in U.S. - Lithium Exploration Corp. NRs about the CEO trips and his ideas are flying all over the Internet and its stock was defying all laws of gravity for a couple of weeks and closed yesterday at 10.57. Before you tear all your hairs on missed opportunity, please, make some DD and at least google the recent articles on this company.

  We will be a very bad guide for you on these kind of companies - we do not cover them.  

  Instead, we would like to make only one observation here - there can not be any Hype without the Interest in any market - we hope that this interest is the sign of the changing investment landscape in Lithium spaceRising Gas prices and headlines about Peak Oil make people think and study the real situation. Electric Cars on our streets are turning the heads and provide the glimpse into the future, which is just around the corner. We will leave the judgement about particular investments in this area, as usual, to the investors themselves. Major players in the Auto, Lithium batteries and Lithium Materials industries can provide some guidance here."

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