
Sunday, February 06, 2011

Lithium Drive: "Electric Transport in England" tnr.v, czx.v,, lmr.v, tsla, rm.v,,,, jnn.v, abn.v, res, mcp,, quc.v, cee.v, sqm, fmc, roc, li.v, wlc.v, clq.v, lit, nsany, byddf, gm, dai,, hev, aone, vlnc

  UK is destined for Electric Cars: high density of population surrounding major metropolis areas, mild climate, advance infrastructure and sustainability conscious population. According to some estimations average range per day is even lower in UK than in U.S. and stands at 22.5 miles vs 43.5 miles.
  Another very important observation is that UK became a net importer of oil and now gas prices are at all time high at 1.3 pounds per liter, which can be translated into over 2 dollars per liter. Hopefully, UK will be able to translate this genuine interest in Electric Cars and even capitalise on it and make production of EVs the new manufacturing base for the country.

"Nissan Leaf UK launch. All of the Nissan Leaf units which have been allocated allocated for UK this year have already sold. Admittedly, that's just 500 units, but beginning is starting to grind forward. Every Nissan Leaf on the street will be the best ad you can make for the way to go. Nissan plans to start production of Nissan Leafs in UK factory in 2013.
  "Banks' bailouts were first tested in UK and QE was openly discussed and implemented first across the pond as well. UK is discussing Fuel Rationing now- is it the sign of thing to come next? 
  At one point we will be just happy to drive any car - Electric ones are not the worst choice and they are getting better. Electric Cars are coming on the roads and utility companies are getting ready to charge them:"
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