
Thursday, November 25, 2010

LIthium Drive: Electric Cars about to go mass market tnr.v, rm.v, lmr.v,, sqm, fmc, roc, lit, li.v, wlc.v, clq.v, res.v, ree,, nsany, f, gm,, dai, byddf, hev, aone, vlnc

Electric cars are here and now professionals are promoting them - we have everything in place for the EV revolution to get started - we just need to make the right choice.

"The admissions about Peak Oil from IEA are groundbreaking for Energy Security, Electric Cars mass market and strategic commodities - it is the same magnitude of change as an invitation from the World Bank to discuss Gold standard - the real messages are still muted among different facts, but they are there, in the report from IEA! Unbearable truth must be impossible to hide any more - when will we start to act with the same scale as the problem we are facing in the nearest future?

"Those trashing Obama do know that it could be much worse - we guess that we are even closer to the real revelation of the Energy Short Squeeze, starting with liquid fuels and our politicians are preparing us now for this Oil Shock." 

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