
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lithium Drive: Obama takes time out from Nato summit to promote electric car tnr.v, rm.v, lmr.v,, sqm, fmc, roc, lit, li.v, wlc.v, clq.v, res.v, ree,, nsany, f, gm,, dai, byddf, hev, aone, vlnc

  We are slowly getting there and Electric Cars ( Plug-In Vehicle Tracker What's Coming, When ) are coming from the headlines and on our driveways now. Question will always be open - that we can be all much better off without couple of wars, but with introduced the state-level government plan for the Electrification of all transportation system. If we started in 2000 and skip those wars we can be all on the road in EVs by 2015, maybe - let it stay with those who have made it history now, but lets chose our future by our choice now - Drive Electric

  Those trashing Obama do know that it could be much worse - we guess that we are even closer to the real revelation of the Energy Short Squeeze, starting with liquid fuels and our politicians are preparing us now for this Oil Shock


Last updated at 12:40 PM on 21st November 2010

President Barack Obama took a break from NATO meetings in Portugal today and spent time on what is fast becoming one of his favorite activities - promoting electric cars.
After attending a meeting on Afghanistan, Mr Obama checked out an Opel Ampera on display at the summit site.
The electric vehicle is made by General Motors in Detroit, and will be available for sale in Europe next year.

Mr Obama did everything but kick the tyres during his inspection of the vehicle, and even slid into the driver's seat and turned on the car.
He noted how quiet it was and told reporters that the electric car 'is the future.'
Mr Obama has made growth of a U.S.-based electric car battery industry a centerpiece of his economic and clean energy agenda.
He has pledged to bring one million plug-in hybrid electric vehicles to U.S. roads by 2015.
The quiet, zero-emission compact vehicle is a far cry away from the bullet-proof behemoth the president is being driven around in during his stay in Lisbon.

The eight-tonne, diesel-fuelled machine, nicknamed 'The Beast' by the president's security team, goes wherever the president does - most recently India, South Korea and Japan.
Even if Mr Obama wanted to downsize to a more energy-efficient vehicle, he wouldn't be allowed.
National security demands that the president be ferried in The Beast - bristling with communications devices and weighed down with custom armour plating - whenever he is required to travel by road.
A fleet of Secret Service vehicles and police motorcycle outriders are also part of the transport arrangements."

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