
Monday, December 31, 2012

Golden Age. Planet Ponzi. All You Need Is Love. Happy New Year 2013!


  As Mitch Feierstein explains in his book "Planet Ponzi", you will not get much anything else if you are not in the Circle of Old Boyz. Oh ye, oops: we are wrong here - we will All get our Taxes Increased, Starting with Inflation. We will All get the Bill left from Those who continue to Party even now.
  Suck it up my friends, just suck it up. If you are not on the Payroll in Washington, DC or with other Members of the Oldest Pioneer Organisation - we are All pretty much ... (Add the Spice here to your liking). 
  We will throw just a few numbers here and will refer you to the book:

"Top 1000 World Banks" the Banker July 1, 2011.

Total Bank Assets - 66.626 Trillion dollars.
Total Capital - 3.341 Trillion dollars.

We will translate: all banking assets are booked Not at "Marked to Market" Any More. What Degree of Honesty will you apply to the Banksters? What will be your discount on the Asset side? We will translate one more time: 10% discount will Wipe out all Capital supporting the Financial System on the Planet Earth and will put its Capital Negative at 3.3 Trillion dollars.

  My dear friends at Goldman Sachs and FED - you can be relaxed, nobody can read or count any more. But we are too close to the fine line now. That is why we Need Love so much in 2013.
  When people will take it to the streets it will be the Only Thing which can Save Us All.

  God Bless Everyone, whoever you are praying to.

  Those of you who can read, question and challenge: share and continue to ask, read and challenge. 

 "The "Ones" will try to send your kids to Another World War - for Resources This Time, but the War will come back onto our streets. It will be The Civil War."


  One more Wish for Everyone: lets this beautiful song stay the same - Only The Song.


Happy New Year 2013!

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