
Sunday, June 03, 2012

German Army Peak Oil Study - Within 10 Years Oil Shortages May Collapse Global Economy

  Now you can check our progress towards the brick wall. As you already know, the recent nosedive in the markets and economic indicators is the reflection of the Oil price above 100 dollars. FED is not controlling the economic cycle any more - Oil does. FED and all other central banks now will backstop the insolvent financial system and provide liquidity in order to control "the run on the banks", consequence will be the explosion of our Mega Trend: Peak Oil  multiplied by Inflation.
  Gold has already spoken last Friday with its rip of over 4% - the largest single-day gain in the last 41 months!


Peak Oil: Military Study Warns of a Potentially Drastic Oil Crisis

"We have one more report on Peak Oil and its implications for the economic and social stability in the world. This time it is from German military think tank. All reports about Peak Oil, which we have been posting here, are  resonating on the idea that even if we did not have peak of oil production vs demand already - it is coming and coming very soon. Just in order to be prepared to address Oil Shock we need decades of military style exercise, when all resources will be allocated to achieve the goal. Transportation is the single largest consumer of oil in U.S. Electric Cars are the only commercially viable technology to reduce our oil consumption now, starting today. One thing is to write about "expensive" electric cars and that they "pollute" more than conventional ones and another one will be holding society and social order intact, when oil hits 150 $/barrel again. It will be too late - if it is not too late already. Will U.S. corp. continue to be a hostage of Big Oil and "fund the both sides of war" as T. Boon Pickens has put it? It will not survive oil shock after recent financial collapse."

Reinventing Fire: The Business-led Transition Beyond Oil and Coal To Electric Cars and Alternative Energy

"Can we make it this time? Will we buy our own technology, but made in China again? We are slipping dangerously behind the point of no return, blindfolded by special interests towards impending Oil Peak and following it Energy Crunch."

Reinvent Fire: Change Energy Use Forever And Enjoy Electric Cars!

"Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era offers market-based, actionable solutions integrating transportation, buildings, industry, and electricity. Built on Rocky Mountain Institute's 30 years of research and collaboration in all four sectors, Reinventing Fire maps pathways for running a 158%-bigger U.S. economy in 2050 but needing no oil, no coal, no nuclear energy, one-third less natural gas, and no new inventions. This would cost $5 trillion less than business-as-usual—in addition to the value of avoiding fossil fuels' huge but uncounted external costs."

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