
Monday, August 22, 2011

Lithium Drive: Renault ZE Electric Vehicle Test Drive Experience ilc.v, tnr.v, czx.v, rm.v, lmr.v, abn.v, asm.v, btt.v, bva.v, bvg.v, epz.v, fst.v, gbn.v, hao.v, jnn.v, ks.v, ktn.v, kxm.v, mgn, mxr.v,, svb, ura.v,,,

  Renault Fluence Z.E. is making its rounds in Europe and will become the Electric Cars' game changer with its pricing at the same level as Fluence ICE car and Lithium battery leased to the customers. Electric Cars are coming and now we can expect more and more creative marketing approaches to roll out them in a mass market fashion.

"Lithium Drive: Ford & SunPower Partner for the Drive Green for Life Program. This is the very smart move on the part of Ford and Sun Power. Pricing will be crucial, but it is the move in the right direction. Buyers of the Electric cars will be interested in the alternative energy sources and this move could drive both markets. The game changer will be the implementation in U.S. of the Renault scheme with Lithium batteries leased to the buyers and combined tax rebates on Electric Cars and Solar panels, when everything is sold as the one package and with a turn key installation."

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