
Thursday, August 19, 2010

M&A Fever: Lithium Brines: Potash ABC POT, TNR.v, CZX.v, LIT, LIT.v, RM.v, LI.v, LMR.v, BHP, TSLA, CLQ.v, WLC.v, HEV, ONE, F, GM, RTP, SQM, FMC,

"Will Robert Friedland plug in the second leg of the Lithium Bull now? Is it just a splash of memories from the sweet Uranium hey days and Potash fever or is it sign of the next Bull to come? Only the future will tell us, but we can welcome another fine gentleman to our Next Big Thing club. Money is coming into the Lithium sector and now we can see who has already taken positions on the Next Big Thing. Friedland can do to the Lithium Sector what James Dines did for REE last year: he can put it on the radar screens of thousands of investors following him. He managed to strike it big with Uranium and Potash and now is positioning Copper as a Green Metal.

EnerDel/Argonne lithium-ion batteryImage by Argonne National Laboratory via Flickr

We have written before about it as well and will add to his observations that when you will account for all infrastructure for Electrification of Transportation Copper and Lithium are the metals to be in. In our opinion, Lithium will be more explosive as it is still below the radar screens and the industry as a whole is a micro cap, compared to the Copper Majors. It can all change very fast. Our Top Pick here, as you know is TNR Gold with its Lithium projects to be spin out in International lithium and copper Los Azules play in Argentina. Summer accumulation phase could be over soon with FED QE 2.0 to be announced. The Chinese appetite for commodities is growing by the day and Oil is indicating that there are places with growth and demand who are already clashing with supply."

Market gets really exited with recent news on BHP bid for Potash. We have wrote before about Friedland's thoughts on Next Big Thing.

He was making money on Uranium and Potash before and now is bullish on Copper and Lithium. It is time again to read Lithium ABC by Richard Mills.

Richard Mills: Lithium ABC
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