
Sunday, July 08, 2012

Gold: Paul Brodsky: Central Banks are Nearing the 'Inflate or Die' Stage

"It's impossible to have a political solution to a balance sheet problem" says Paul Brodsky, bond market expert and co-founder of QB Asset Management.

The world has simply gotten itself into too much debt. There are creditors that expect to be paid, and debtors that are having an increasingly difficult time making their coupon payments. No amount of political or policy intervention is going to change that reality. (Unless a global "debt jubilee" transpires, which Paul thinks is unlikely).

Looking at the global monetary base, Paul sees it dwarfed by the staggering amount of debts that need to be repaid or serviced. The reckless use of leverage has resulted in a chasm between total credit and the money that can service it.

So how will this debt overhang be resolved?

Central bank money printing -- and lots of it -- thinks Paul.

At this point, the danger posed by the instability of our monetary and fiscal house of cards is so great that trying to time an investment program to when this avalanche of printing will occur too risky, in Paul's opinion. It's time to shift your remaining capital into hard assets and sit on the sidelines to watch the carnage play out."

Nature Of Money And Private FED: Ron Paul - Hearing June 28 2012 Fractional Reserve Banking

"With today's start of Worldwide Coordinated QE actions by China cutting rates, BOE 50 billion GBP in QE and ECB cutting rates, it is time for us to see what we are up to with the next move by Federal Reserve.

The History Of Money And Why US Dollars Are Issued By Private Bank - Federal Reserve System

 "We are at the very important point in the history of the modern financial system. The recent events in Europe  are no less than ground-changing historical  development and the magnitude of it will be understood only many years later. European countries are giving up their Sovereignty in order to save the Euro zone. Now the history of money will be your guide to the new order, when the New Normal will be transformed into the New World Order. 
  Private FED manipulates all markets now and has the right at its own discretion to increase the FED rate at any moment, which will increase all interest rates in a chain: mortgage payments, car loans, student loans, credit card loans, business loans etc. Should FED decide to stop monetary expansion at some point: QEn+1 and Twists - yields on the Treasuries will explode. U.S. is at the total mercy of the unelected managers running the private bank. You would think: who can do such a thing, which will bring a total collapse to the world economy - watch the movies to get your own answer. The idea to buy the assets for pennies on the dollar can be irresistible again."

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