
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Peak Oil: ASPO USA 2011 conference presentations now online ilc.v, tnr.v, czx.v, rm.v, lmr.v, abn.v, asm.v, btt.v, bva.v, bvg.v, epz.v, fst.v, gbn.v, hao.v, jnn.v, ks.v, ktn.v, kxm.v, mgn, mxr.v,, svb, ura.v,,,


  We have the acknowledged problem now - NO more cheap Oil left, and we have the solution - technology with the magnitude of the Internet with another zero - Electric Cars. We need the Marshall plan now for Electric Cars.

Who will be Steve Jobs for Electric Cars now? R.I.P. and Thank you!

IEA: World Energy Outlook 2011: Crude could reach $150 and warns of Irreversible Climate Change in Five Years

"We are just coming out of the "Europe's  End of The World" scenario, all world economies are on the edge of recession, but Oil is moving closer to $100 again. We have a very sobering reminder from IEA about the real issues behind all recent events in the financial markets. There is NOT enough Oil for everybody left, Peak Oil is all about the price and transportation is driving this demand with half of the global oil demand coming from China only. By 2015 more cars will be manufactured outside of OECD. Oil prices can go up to $150 by 2015 in the real terms and $176 in the nominal terms. It will be the major risk for the global economy. Time is to check your Lithium portfolio."

ASPO-USA Conference 2011:  Peak Oil, Energy & the Economy 
We look forward to welcoming you to Washington DC for the 2011 (7th annual) ASPO-USA conference at the Capitol Hill Hyatt
We have an impressive line-up of speakers to provide new analysis, new insights, and new perspectives on the energy challenges and opportunities facing America and the world.
Truth In Energy is the theme of this year’s conference — focusing on the importance of reliable, transparent energy information, and the need to have a clear understanding of our energy challenges to make wise decisions for the future.
The program will build on our internationally-acclaimed annual conferences to interpret the latest technical data, forge new partnerships, and develop innovative ways to communicate about peak oil issues.

0900 ASPO Peak Oil Update Skrebowski.pdf
1045 ASPO Adapting to the End of Cheap Energy Bezdek.pdf
1045 ASPO Adapting to the End of Cheap Energy Galiteva.pdf
1045 ASPO Adapting to the End of Cheap Energy Heinberg.pdf
1045 ASPO Adapting to the End of Cheap Energy Martenson.pdf
1400 ASPO China and Middle East Aleklett.pdf
1400 ASPO China and Middle East Brown.pdf
1400 ASPO China and Middle East Li.pdf
1400 ASPO Out of Gas Reno.pdf
1400 ASPO Out of Gas Schlumberger.pdf
1400 ASPO Wells and Wall Street Martenson.pdf
1400 ASPO Wells and Wall Street Rapier.pdf
1540 ASPO End of Growth Catton.pdf
1540 ASPO End of Growth Laherrere.pdf
1545 ASPO End of Growth Heinberg.pdf
1900 ASPO Shale Gas Rush Howarth.pdf
1900 ASPO Shale Gas Rush Ingraffea.pdf
1900 ASPO Shale Gas Rush Jackson.pdf
1900 ASPO Shale Gas Rush Mall.pdf
0830 ASPO Interim Observations Hirsch.pdf
0845 ASPO Navigating a New Energy Reality Rapier.pdf
0900 ASPO Post-Peak Economy Maxwell.pdf
1030 ASPO Living on a Renewable Energy Budget Dauncey.pdf
1030 ASPO Living on a Renewable Energy Budget Galiteva.pdf
1030 ASPO Living on a Renewable Energy Budget Murphy.pdf
1030 ASPO Living on a Renewable Energy Budget Zweibel.pdf
1200 ASPO Future of Food Jackson.pdf
1330 ASPO At Ground Level Davis.pdf
1330 ASPO At Ground Level Greer.pdf
1330 ASPO At Ground Level Kilde.pdf
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