
Friday, October 17, 2008

US Dollar: Depression Fear is watered down by trillions of money printing presses.

US Dollar is hesitating at retesting resent High. Black cross is an indecision by the market players. Everything is ready for gravity to make its work. Fundamental reason for recent US Dollar rally is a Depression Fear, Buying of Treasuries as a safe heaven during banking crises. Now it will be substutute overnight by inflation Fear, dollar will go down, Treasuries will sell off. Gold, Silver and Commodities will come back. I must say that I am very impressed with Mr Secretary of Treasury. Using technical means of manipulation in the currency markets, trashing Gold and Silver by PPT allowed to crash commodities and to bring market so fast to the important bottom that now we can speak about the value in General market companies oversold by Fear. Well done. Know your "enemy", not everybody will make it through all these manipulations.
You can not manipulate markets forever, something has to give. This time it will be Treasuries US Dollar.
First Fear is coming Down: banks are safely nationalised by FIAT printing presses. Second Greed come back after Panic: Public is getting on the buying mode in Equities. Third money will start to flow in the economy and the wise money will look for a value in a coming inflation tsunami. We need just 1% of global equity market into Gold, Silver and Junior mining to launch our rocket to the new highs.

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