
Thursday, September 25, 2008

TNR Gold TNR.v: Minera Andes MAI.v announces excellent metallurgical testing results for Los Azules

TNR Gold TNR.v has a conditional 25% back in right on 50% of the Northern part of the property. Company has recently announced that it has filed a lawsuit against "MIM Xtrata Argentina" in BC Canada to clear the status of Escorpio IV property in the proximity of Los Azules and to consider a 25% back in right "time condition" as contrary to the negotiated terms.
"SPOKANE, WA, Sept. 25 /CNW/ - Minera Andes Inc. (TSX: MAI and US OTC: MNEAF) is pleased to announce the receipt of excellent results from the metallurgical testing program completed as part of the Los Azules Project 43-101 Preliminary Assessment (scoping study) planned for completion by yearend. The test results show that the Los Azules ore material is amenable to conventional flotation recovery methods and that the overall metal recoveries and the copper concentrate grades are high.
Allen Ambrose, president of Minera Andes, said: "The positive metallurgical testing program shows that standard reagents and flotation methods can be used at Los Azules to produce a high quality saleable concentrate. Copper recoveries over 92% and copper concentrate grades over 30% copper indicate that flotation concentration would be the preferred process for all ore types, which are of medium hardness for grinding. Gold and silver grades are also sufficient to contribute payable precious metals to the concentrate."

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